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02 2022.03



梁丰研(博士),冰球突破副教授,博士生导师。海南省“南海新星”创新人才(首批)、海南省高层次人才、三亚市引进人才、IEEE Member、中国康复医学会脑机接口专委会委员、九三学社。2016年本科毕业于四川大学吴玉章荣誉学院,生物医学工程;2015.02-2015.07于中山大学(台湾)交换学习;2016.02-06,香港中文大学机械与自动化系任初级助理研究员;2019.08-09,赴美国哈佛大学、麻省理工学院、斯坦福大学短期交流学习;2021年博士毕业于香港中文大学,生物医学工程专业。2021.04-07,Hocoma AG(国际康复机器人公司,新加坡);2021年11月加入冰球突破。2023中国生物医学工程大会作特邀报告。与天坛医院、海口市人民医院、中国科学院、港中文、川大、深大、杭电、西电有较深合作。主持国自然、工信部揭榜挂帅子课题等各级项目多项。









2、IEEE ROBIO(机器人学与仿生学)国际大会入围最佳会议论文(Finalist for Best Paper),2018

3、Journal of Orthopaedic Translation年度下载次数最多(Most downloaded)的文章,2020,1区,IF: 5.2

4、Journal of Orthopaedic Translation年度高被引(Top cited)文章, 2020,1区,IF: 5.2



7、第一届全国青年科普创新实验暨作品大赛全国第二名,2013。(受邀参与CCTV 10节目录制)








6、崖州湾科技城学术年会优秀墙报奖,2023, 21级硕士。

7、海南省第十一届“挑战杯”一等奖,2023, 21级硕士。

8、“崖州湾杯”研究生创新创业大赛特等奖,2023, 21级硕士(创业奖金30万元)。


1、Liang, F.Y.#, Mo, L.F.#, Sun, Y., Guo, C., Gao, F., Liao, W. H., ... & Yin, M. 2024. Interlimb and Intralimb Synergy Modeling for Lower Limb Assistive Devices: Modeling Methods and Feature Selection. Cyborg and Bionic Systems, 5, 0122. http://spj.science.org/journal/cbsystems (IF=10.5)

2、Chen, L., Zhang, Y.L., Mo, L.F., Guo, Z.S., Gao, F., Liang, F.Y.*, Liao, W.H., Yin, M. 2024, December. Decoding Gait Speed Using Intracortical Signals in a Freely-moving Non-human Primate for the Control of Neurorobotics. In 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO)

3、Liu, L.Y., Yu, S.S., Chen, L., Mo, L.F., Guo, Z.S., Wang X., Gao, F. Liang F.Y.*, Liao, W.H., Yin, M. 2024, December. Shared 3D Robotic Arm Control Based on Intracortical Brain-Computer Interface and Computer Vision. In 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO)

4、 Mo L.F., Gao F., Sun Y.O., ..., Liang F.Y*., Yin M*., 2024. Synergy-Based Knee Angle Estimation on Stairs and Slopes for a Powered Transfemoral Prosthesis. In 2024 46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC). IEEE.

5Yu S.S.#, Liang F.Y.#, Zhang Y.L., Chen L., ..., Yin M.*, 2024. A Three-stage Strategy Significantly Improves Hand Movement Direction Decoding of a Single Neural Unit. In 2024 46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC). IEEE.

6、Liang, F.Y., Yu, S.S., Pang, S.Q., Wang, X., Jie, J., Gao, F.,... and Yin., M.*, 2023. Non-human primate models and systems for gait and neurophysiological analysis. Front. Neurosci. Vol. 17. (2区)

7 Liang, F.Y., Gao, F., Cao, J., Law, S.W., Liao, W.H.*, 2022. Gait Synergy Analysis and Modeling on Amputees and Stroke Patients for Lower Limb Assistive Devices. Sensors. 22(13):4814. (2区)

8 Liang, F.Y., Gao, F. and Liao, W.H.*, 2021. Synergy-based Knee Angle Estimation Using Kinematics of Thigh. Gait & Posture. 89 pp. 25-30.

7、 Liang, F.Y., Zhong, C.H., Zhao, X., Castro, D.L., Chen, B., Gao, F. and Liao, W.H.*, 2018, December. Online adaptive and lstm-based trajectory generation of lower limb exoskeletons for stroke rehabilitation. In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO) (pp. 27-32). IEEE. (入围最佳会议论文奖,发表演讲)

8、Wang, C.N., Liang, F.Y., Wang, X.*, Yin, M.*, 2023, Sept. A robust and high accurate method for hand kinematics decoding from neural populations. In 2023 Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision (PRCV)(pp. 244–255).

9、 Gao, F., Liu, G., Liang, F.Y., & Liao, W. H. 2023, April. IMU-based locomotion mode identification for ankle-foot prostheses. In Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems 2023 (Vol. 12486, pp. 30-38). SPIE.

10、 Gao, F., Liu, G., Liang, F. and Liao, W.H.*, 2020. IMU-Based locomotion mode identification for transtibial prostheses, orthoses, and exoskeletons. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 28(6), pp.1334-1343.

11、 Zhong, C.H., Zhao, X., Liang, F.Y., Ma, H. and Liao, W.H.*, 2019, July. Motion adaption and trajectory generation of stair ascent and descent with a lower limb exoskeleton for paraplegics. In 2019 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM) (pp. 612-617). IEEE.

12、 Zhong, C.H., Zhao, X., Chen, B., Liang, F.Y., Ma, H. and Liao, W.H.*, 2017, December. Motion planning of lower limb exoskeleton with passive ankle for paraplegics. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO) (pp. 1956-1961). IEEE.

13、 Chen, B., Zhong, C.H., Zhao, X., Ma, H., Guan, X., Li, X., Liang, F.Y., Cheng, J.C.Y., Qin, L., Law, S.W. and Liao, W.H.*, 2017. A wearable exoskeleton suit for motion assistance to paralysed patients. Journal of orthopaedic translation, 11, pp.7-18. (1区,年度下载次数最多和高被引文章)


1. 工信部未来产业创新任务揭榜挂帅,脑机接口,2024-2025,国家级,子课题负责人;

2. 国家自然科学基金项目(地区),基于无线植入式双向脑机接口的猕猴运动皮层步态调控神经机制,国家级,310,000元,2024.1-2027.12,负责人;

3. 省重点研发计划,为膝上截肢患者设计的智能膝关节假肢,省级,690,000元,2022-2025,负责人;

4. 省高层次人才项目,猕猴运动皮层在步态控制中的神经机制研究,省级,10,000元,2024-2026,负责人;

5. 省重点研发计划,基于脑机交互与肌电控制的高自由度手部外骨骼康复机器人系统,省级,750,000元,2022-2025,子课题负责人;

6. 海南省“南海新星”产业创新创业人才平台项目(首批,全省20人),省级,300,000元,2023-2026,负责人;

7. “崖州湾”菁英人才科技专项,省级,500,000元,2023-2025,负责人;

8.  天津大学-冰球突破自主创新基金合作项目,校级,100,000元,2024-2026,负责人;

9. 冰球突破高层次人才科研启动项目,基于可穿戴设备的帕金森病量化检测,校级,100,000元,2022-2027,负责人;

10. 一种自供能的智能膝关节假肢,省级,$1,400,000, ITS/367/18,2019-2021;

11. 适用于瘫痪病人的可穿戴外骨骼套装,省级,$1,400,000,ITS/296/14,2015-2016;



联系方式: fyliang@britanniacoin.net